I am happy to announce that I am officially done with this semester. Now, being done with a semester might not seem like a major accomplishment to you, but it has been a really stressful five months; from the professors not giving all the needed info for an exam to being in groups for a project and one or two people didn't participate. I am totally happy with my grades beside the evil C+, but fortunately for me, it won't affect my gpa too much.
Another good thing that has happened during my absence is an internship! In the fall semester, I'll be going to a funeral home, interning there for the whole semester, and I will get college credit for it. I'm hoping that this internship will also count toward the apprenticeship requirements to be a licensed mortician in the state of New Jersey, but if not, I'll still have the experience so it's a win win deal.
With that being said, that means I have more time to spend on my blog and YouTube channel.
As for things concerning my blog, I am not sure if I'm going to keep the same schedule at the moment. For now, the best I can do is promise you a post every two weeks. The topics will remain the same, mortuary science, macabre, but I also plan on doing book reviews.
For my YouTube channel, I will be elaborating on topics on my blog. I also will be having guest speakers state their opinion on certain topics, taking you with me on trips, and dabbling into fashion a little. It just seems easier for me to express my interests to a camera than to a keyboard.
Until next time,